Thursday, May 28, 2009

19 Barrington Hills 14534

Remove asphalt in 17/17 area boxout area 10/17 to a depth of 4'
install CR2 stone compacted in 1' lifts pave entire area with 2.5" of
#1 fine binder. Guarentee 4 years $3400

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

1304 portland

1304 portland
digout 17/47
resurf 19/22 49/53 8/46 13/7

6 Silver Ridge 14626

48/19 remove small portion at apron and doing side. Resurf

Saturday, May 2, 2009

4645 west ridge rd summitview auto

2 spots mill and fill with binder to match existing
308 sqft x 3.85 = $1125

Everest Institute

Mike - I thought might want a price
2 spots
Total sqft 200x 4.25 = $850